Tuesday, November 3, 2009

there was evening, and there was morning

Genesis 1: 3-5
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
Verse 5 strikes me as “odd” in the sense that I would rather say “And there was morning and there was evening—the first day.” Because we come out of unconsciousness when we wake in the morning we tend to place morning first..
I suppose one could easily reason that first there was darkness (evening) before God said “Let there be light” and then God created the light (morning). One could also look at this phrase as evening (darkness) was before God’s work and that morning (light) was after God’s work. Going farther still one could say that evening (darkness) is the absence of God and morning (light) is God. And so it is that the Bible sets up the parallel between the physical and the spiritual. All things in the Bible have a physical and a spiritual side: Such as water, bread, leavening, figs, grapes, grapevine etc. etc.
Therefore to be in sin, which is separation from God, is darkness (evening) and to be saved by Christ, which puts us with God is light (morning). If you stop and think of being in the dark (Night or evening) [without artificial light] the only thing you would see is the stars and the moon, which are distant objects. But, during the daylight you see what is near or the created earth such as grass, trees, clouds, bodies of water, animals and everything else you could name up to a horizon line. Then one can postulate that if you are in sin you see God at a distance, (like the stars and moon) but you do see him. And, if you are saved and as holy as one in our depraved form can be, you see God nearer (physical surroundings such as trees etc.),until once again you fall prey to your own depravity, or Satan’s wiles then once again God appears distant to you until you once again have repented and placed yourself back into the light. Then there is the artificial light created by man. What can we say about that in parallel? How many of us make use of the artificial light thinking it is as good as the real, but it never is. One can conclude that what we make ourselves, whether a belief system or light separates us from what is true. (The Triune God) If there is a high concentration of the artificial light you cannot even see the stars, which brings me to point out that an artificial belief system which does not include The Triune God blocks you from seeing into the distance; from seeing God at all.

1 comment:

  1. Viewing light in the sense of it's reference to us and our relationship to God. Gives a deeper meaning for the validity of the Word of God. That some say it's a well written book, but don't think it is Gods word. Those with the Holy Spirit can see the deeper meaning in the words. Praise God for his Secrets.
