Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More on Genesis and science

Genesis 1: 2
Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
I wish to make this statement; that on the flip side of the spiritual we have the physical. There is much spiritual information in Genesis, but we can also realize the physical nature of the scriptures. The Bible is a profound book.
Formless, dark and empty is the description of the earth at this point. If we were to use a simple tool to describe the earth today we would use the periodic table. The periodic table has all the known elements. They come as solids, liquids, and gases. If we look at this scripture verse we find the earth and waters. (Note waters is plural) Water is made up of two gases; hydrogen and oxygen. The elements were there all formless and empty. So in this verse you have the basic language of the periodic table; earth is equivalent to the solids and the word waters is equivalent to gases and liquids. This is before any electromagnetic spectrum therefore the elements have no plus, minus or neutral charges that is why they are formless and empty and all is dark.

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